Friday, February 24, 2012

According to doctors, supporting positive ...

Osteoporosis Exercise is a key part of any program of treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, a disease dubbed BЂњsilent, BЂ "is one of health problems characterized by slow development of elongated, which may annoy life personBЂ ™ over the years. It is also believed as the main reason for the significant number of cases of disability, most of which include women after menopause, when bone loss was more rapid. This is due to reduced bone mass and reduce bone. What happens is that the bones become fragile and easily broken. Fractures are most common on the hips, wrists and spine. Osteoporosis currently remains neotverzhdennoho disease. However, two things that are used in the treatment condition, namely drugs and exercise. From these two exercises known as the primary treatment, so this is what directly affects the bone. Bone can be quite stable, but that does not respond to exercise as long as he continues to do so. He also receives power at the same gradual method. To prevent the occurrence and aggravation of osteoporosis, exercises that help maintain bone density is very important. What you should know about osteoporosis and exercise 1. The benefits of exercise for those suffering from osteoporosis Some people who suffer from osteoporosis believe that exercise can lead to fractures and make their situation worse. But the truth is, exercise is not to be avoided because it may help to improve it in many ways. First, it really helps to protect bones from further deterioration. Second, exercise can help you gain muscle strength, regardless of your age. This means that you will have more power. Thirdly, it can also improve your body more balanced. Thus, we can prevent falls and failures, which usually prove fatal for osteoporosis patients. In more severe cases of osteoporosis, some patients have difficulty in moving and experiencing constant pain. Both these problems can be reduced due to osteoporosis exercises. In addition, one of the most visible signs of osteoporosis, which is also harmful not only personBЂ ™ body, but also meaning personBЂ ™ s welfare is compromised posture. Exercise can help prevent this promotion so you can maintain the proper position, despite the disease. 3. Choosing the right exercise

Select osteoporosis exercise well. It is best to choose activities that you will not make any difficulties and do activities that you can enjoy. So you wonBЂ ™ t have to worry about that bored or too tired to exercise. According to doctors who support the positive effects of exercise and physical activity for osteoporosis patients, continuity of education is the main key to getting positive results. There are three categories of known exercises that are useful for the treatment of osteoporosis. This is in accordance with a lasix without prescritpion convincing report of medical experts. These three categories of weight-bearing exercises, resistance exercises and flexibility exercises. 3. Different types of exercise Osteoporosis

weight bearing exercises include physical activity that affects the feet and legs BЂ "body responsible for maintaining whole body weight. These include walking, hiking, dancing, and even simple activities to climb stairs. The fact that you have to be carried out in two of your foot and not something else, like a bicycle. As for the resistance exercises, these activities where you work or fight back against another object. These exercises are most effective in increasing bone density and protect you from fractures. Some examples include the right of resistance exercise weights or weight machines, resistance tubing, and water exercises. Classes in water means that your muscles have to fight against the forces of water. Weight exercises can be done in the gym or at home, if you weight. Flexibility exercises are exercises where you stretch your body. This helps to make the joints more flexible, so you can move with more balance. So you can protect yourself from injury. Some examples of flexibility exercises you can take include tai chi and yoga. Preparing for osteoporosis exercises before you begin exercises osteoporosis, there are several things you should keep in mind. The most important thing to do, but if you have permission from a licensed professional who is familiar with your case. Your doctor will have you undergo bone density test and evaluation of your fitness level to check whether it is safe for you to osteoporosis exercises. .

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